Who is Möbius?
August Ferdinand Möbius was a German mathematician who is most known for his work in topology, a field that studies the properties of geometric figures. He was born on November 17, 1790 in Schulpforta, Germany. He died on September 26, 1868 in Leipzig, Germany. Interestingly, Möbius was a descendant of Martin Luther.
Topology is usually classified under geometry. It has frequently been called rubber-band, rubber-sheet, or rubber-space geometry; it deals with those properties of geometric figures in a space that remain unaltered when the space is bent, twisted, stretched, or deformed in any way; the only exceptions are that tearing the space is not allowed, and distinct points in the space cannot be made to coincide.
Working in topology, Möbius is most famous for a shape named after him—the Möbius Strip, a non-oreintable two-dimensional surface with only one side when embedded in three-dimensional Euclidean space. It is a surface that can be formed by taking a long, rectangular strip of paper, rotating the ends 180° with respect to one another, and joining the ends together to form a loop. In essence, it is a simple shape without an end; one could follow the surface and not find a point or origin or ending (something of an infinite surface). Another curious property is that if the Möbius Strip is cut along a line down the middle of the loop, it will become a single two-sided loop, instead of falling apart into two loops.
Since the surface has no starting or ending point, it can be used to symbolize infinity. As such, that is the goal that Möbius HTML Design has through writing with simplicity.